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Gamesa named a leader in sustainability by "The Sustainability Yearbook 2011" 2011.03.05

Madrid, Spain - March 1, 2011 - The Sustainability Yearbook 2011, published by Sustainable Asset Management (SAM) and PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), has for another year praised our company's commitment and progress in the field of sustainability.

2010 Presentation Results.
Photo courtesy of Gamesa

Madrid, Spain - March 1, 2011

The Sustainability Yearbook 2011, published by Sustainable Asset Management (SAM) and PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), has for another year praised our company's commitment and progress in the field of sustainability.

Signature of agreement to jointly develop wind farms in China. Jorge Calvet, Chairman of Gamesa, and Mr. Chensu, Chairman of China Guangdong Nuclear Wind Power.
Photo courtesy of Gamesa
The most recent issue of the report not only lists Gamesa among the world's most sustainable companies for another year, it also ranks Gamesa a sector leader in its business - alternative energies - honouring it with Bronze Class status as one of the companies to have made the most progress in the area of sustainability.

Jorge Calvet, Gamesa's Chairman.
Photo courtesy of Gamesa
The purpose of the report, which the firms have released annually since 1999 in conjunction with Dow Jones Indexes, is to establish a global ranking of the companies most committed to sustainability that also offer the greatest real upside potential for all shareholders, not just for investors most concerned with sustainability.

Courtesy of Gamesa
Of the 409 companies researched by the agency SAM and included in this year's report, Gamesa is one of only four Spanish corporations, of a total of 61 companies worldwide, to be ranked a sector leader.

Courtesy of Gamesa

SOURCE: Gamesa


Gamesa to supply E.ON with G11X-5.0 MW offshore prototype and G128-4.5 MW wind turbine in 2012

Madrid, Spain - February 22, 2011

Gamesa, a world-leading wind energy company, continues to advance its offshore wind strategy, having signed an agreement to supply energy company E.ON with an offshore prototype of its G11X-5.0 MW platform in 2012.

Courtesy of Gamesa
The agreement also includes the installation of one, and possibly two, Gamesa G128-4.5 MW wind turbines for an E.ON site in Europe.

Blade manufacturing facility in Cuenca, Spain.
Photo courtesy of Gamesa
will undertake the transport, installation and commissioning of the turbine(s) in 2012.

Blade manufacturing facility in Albacete, Spain.
Photo courtesy of Gamesa
will also install G9X-2.0 MW wind turbines in a wind farm under construction in Alcamo – Sicily (Italy) for more than 30 MW.

Photo courtesy of Gamesa
will undertake the transport, installation and commissioning in 2011.

Support for Gamesa's offshore technology

Gamesa is currently designing and developing two families of offshore turbines (G11X-5.0, and G14X with a capacity of 6-7 MW) based on proven technology that was validated in the G10X-4.5 MW turbine.

Photo courtesy of Gamesa
Prototypes of the G11X-5.0 MW platform will be tested in the last quarter of 2012, and the pre-series will be ready in 2013.

Photo courtesy of Gamesa
Javier Perea, General Manager of Sales and Projects for Gamesa
"This agreement with E.ON represents significant support for our offshore technology. The ability to test our offshore wind prototypes will provide us with a solid basis for advancing towards the final development of our offshore platforms”.

Photo courtesy of Gamesa
Michael Lewis, Managing Director of E.ON’s European Renewables business
"Gamesa shows a strong commitment to the offshore market, and this agreement will enable us to analyse and test a prototype which, though new, is based on technology currently tested on the G10X-4.5 prototype machine. It will also help us to continue our drive to stimulate innovation in the offshore market".

Gamesa G10X-4.5 MW.
Courtesy of Gamesa
Gamesa is developing the G11X-5.0 MW turbine platform
together with the Northrop Grumman Corporation, a leading US defence contractor and America's largest shipbuilder.

Gamesa G10X-4.5 MW.
Courtesy of Gamesa
is also developing a generation of larger capacity offshore turbines, specifically the G14X (6-7 MW per unit); the pre-series could be ready in 2014.

G128-4.5 MW: validated technological innovation

Gamesa's G128-4.5 MW is the most powerful turbine in the global onshore wind market and it incorporates unprecedented new technological features, based on design and validation concepts which are comparable to other industries such as aeronautics: Innoblade®, Multismart®, ConcreTower®, CompacTrain®, FlexiFit® and GridMate®, among others.

Gamesa G10X-4.5 MW.
Courtesy of Gamesa
With a rated capacity of 4.5 MW, this model has an optimized cost of energy but is as easy to ship and install as a 2 MW turbine.

SOURCE: Gamesa


Gamesa G10X-4.5 MW



Corporate Communications

Phone: +34 91 503 17 00
E-mail: media@gamesacorp.com

Mailing address:
C/ Ramírez de Arellano, 37
C.P.: 28043
Madrid, Spain


ASTROMAN Magazine - 2011.02.05

ENERCON installs world's most powerful wind energy converter E-126/7.5 MW


ASTROMAN Magazine - 2011.02.05

Powered by GE Turbines, Largest Wind Power Portfolio in Idaho Completed, Providing Clean Energy and Jobs


ASTROMAN Magazine - 2010.02.14

Iberdrola Renovables and the EBRD agree to jointly develop wind projects in Eastern Europe


ASTROMAN Magazine - 2010.02.13

ScottishPower Renewables and Vattenfall to develop major offshore windfarms


ASTROMAN Magazine - 2010.02.10

Global wind power boom continues despite economic woes


ASTROMAN Magazine - 2009.10.03

E.ON opens the world's largest wind farm


ASTROMAN Magazine - 2009.09.20

Stealth Wind Farms


ASTROMAN magazine

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