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Sanofi-aventis appoints New Senior Managers in Emerging Markets 2011.01.08

Paris, France - January 7, 2011 - Sanofi-aventis (EURONEXT: SAN and NYSE: SNY) announced today the appointment of new Senior Managers in Emerging Markets, effective February 1, 2011.

Pharmaceuticals manufacturing site in Beijing, China.
Photo: sanofi-aventis

Paris, France - January 7, 2011

Sanofi-aventis (EURONEXT: SAN and NYSE: SNY) announced today the appointment of new Senior Managers in Emerging Markets, effective February 1, 2011.

Hanspeter Spek - Member of the Executive Committee and the Management Committee - President, Global Operations, sanofi-aventis.
Photo: sanofi-aventis
“These appointments reflect the dynamics of our businesses and the opportunities we will continue to seize in those regions in order to reinforce sanofi-aventis’ leadership position in the emerging markets”, declared Hanspeter Spek, President, Global Operations, sanofi-aventis.
“The depth of talent, knowledge and experience of the managers we appointed today make them ideally suited to achieve our ambition”.

Pharmaceuticals manufacturing site in Fawdon, Great Britain.
Photo: sanofi-aventis

Patrick Aghanian is appointed Head of the Eurasia Region.

He is currently Head of Russia, and will also take responsibility for Ukraine, Belarus and the Central Asia platform based in Kazakhstan.
He worked in various positions at SC Johnson and Son in purchasing, sales and marketing before joining GlaxoSmithKline in 1995 as General Manager Ukraine, then Russia and CIS.
He then joined Novartis as General Manager Russia, in 2003 and Sandoz Russia in 2007, prior to joining sanofi-aventis as General Manager Russia in 2008.

Thomas Kelly is appointed Head of the Asia Region.

He is currently Head of Greater China and will also take responsibility for the South East Asian region including Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam and the Philippines.
He began his career in marketing at Johnson & Johnson in China and joined Novo Nordisk Biotechnology Co, Ltd as Sales and Marketing Director in 1995 and was appointed General Manager in 1998.
In 1999, he joined Shanghai Schering-Plough in China as General Manager, and sanofi-aventis as General Manager China in 2006.

Pharmaceuticals manufacturing site in Thu Duc, Vietnam.
Photo: sanofi-aventis

Heraldo Marchezini is appointed Head of the Latin America Region.

He is currently Head of Brazil.
He began his career with Rhodia and Aventis in Brazil working in various positions in sales and marketing, including Product Manager in consumer healthcare and Hospital and Oncology Director.
He then served as Poland, Baltic Region General Manager for Aventis and was appointed General Manager for Brazil in 2004.

Pharmaceuticals manufacturing site in Sao-Paulo, Brazil.
Photo: sanofi-aventis

Jeremy Moulding is appointed Head of the Japan & Pacific Region.

He is currently Head of Japan, Australia and New Zealand and will also take responsibility for Korea.
After having served in Astra-Zeneca for 5 years, Jeremy began his career within the Group in 1998 and has been in marketing and commercial roles in the United Kingdom, and later in general management roles in South Africa, Korea and Australia.

About sanofi-aventis

Sanofi-aventis, a leading global pharmaceutical company, discovers, develops and distributes therapeutic solutions to improve the lives of everyone.

is listed in Paris (EURONEXT: SAN) and in New York (NYSE: SNY).

Sanofi-aventis Group head office.
Photo: sanofi-aventis
Focused on patients’ needs, sanofi-aventis offers a range of essential healthcare assets, including a broad-based product portfolio and a presence worldwide.

At a glance:

• 2009 sales: €29.3 billion growth of 6.3%

• A broad portfolio of pharmaceutical products: prescription medicines, generics, consumer health care and animal health

• World leader in human vaccines

• A broad and balanced presence on both traditional and emerging markets

• More than 105,000 employees in over 110 countries

Group strategy

Our ambition is to become a diversified global healthcare leader.
Our strategy is built around three priorities to reach its goals and ensure sustainable growth:

• Innovation in Research and Development

• Adaptation of Group structures

• External growth opportunities

For more information, visit Sanofi-aventis on the Internet:


Media Relations:

Tel. : (+) 33 1 53 77 44 50
E-mail : MR@sanofi-aventis.com

Investor Relations:

Tel. : (+) 33 1 53 77 45 45
E-mail : IR@sanofi-aventis.com

SOURCE: Sanofi-aventis


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