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Aldo Kamper succeeds Dr. Rüdiger Müller as President and CEO at OSRAM Opto Semiconductors 2010.09.10

Regensburg, Germany - September 10, 2010 - OSRAM Opto Semiconductors is taking a stand on innovation and continuity with the change in its top management. As of October 1, 2010, Aldo Kamper, a proven LED expert and time-tested executive, is succeeding Dr. Rüdiger Müller who, after heading optoelectronic semiconductor business for 22 years at OSRAM and formerly at Siemens, is bidding farewell on reaching retirement age.

LED modules from OSRAM have revolutionized illuminated advertising. They are small, compact, reduce costs, and give the cold shoulder to wind and weather. Lettering and logos lit with LED technology are extremely robust and present companies in a new light.
Source: OSRAM

Regensburg, Germany - September 10, 2010

OSRAM Opto Semiconductors is taking a stand on innovation and continuity with the change in its top management.

Source: OSRAM
As of October 1, 2010, Aldo Kamper (40), a proven LED expert and time-tested executive, is succeeding Dr. Rüdiger Müller (65) who, after heading optoelectronic semiconductor business for 22 years at OSRAM and formerly at Siemens, is bidding farewell on reaching retirement age.

Martin Goetzeler, CEO of the parent company OSRAM
Photo: OSRAM
Martin Goetzeler, CEO of the parent company OSRAM
"Down to this very day, Dr. Rüdiger Müller has been one of the driving forces worldwide in the development of LED technology, which now reaches far into our everyday lives. With Aldo Kamper we have been able to win a successor from our own ranks – someone who will advance OSRAM Opto Semiconductors and make his own mark."

Aldo Kamper, CEO Business Unit Opto Semiconductors
Photo: OSRAM
Aldo Kamper
started his professional career at OSRAM in 1994 after completing his business administration studies.
Between 1999 and 2006,he held executive positions at OSRAM Opto Semiconductors in the fields of automotive and visible LEDs.

LED Lighting Illuminates Cost Savings at Retail
Source: OSRAM
Since 2006, he has held the post of Executive Vice President & General Manager Specialty Lighting at OSRAM Sylvania in the US.

Aldo Kamper's CV
Source: OSRAM
With his technological and business-administration expertise, he has all the right credentials to further extend the company's role as global technology driver in very close review and coordination with its customers.

Dr. Müller hands over the reins of OSRAM Opto Semiconductors to Aldo Kamper on October 1, 2010.
Photo: OSRAM
Dr. Rüdiger Müller's
retirement brings an era to an end at OSRAM Opto Semiconductors and in LED technology.

Audi A8 with LEDs from OSRAM Opto Semiconductors
Source: OSRAM
Müller headed the optoelectronic semiconductor business at
Siemens from 1988 and, in 1999, was also founding CEO of OSRAM Opto Semiconductors, in which Siemens' LED and infrared business was pooled with OSRAM's lighting competence.

OSRAM LED lamps - State of the art lighting in all shapes and sizes.
Photo: OSRAM
His name stands for rapid technological innovation and personal integrity.

Source: OSRAM
Besides strong growth and the continuous expansion of production capacities in Regensburg and in Penang, Malaysia, his name is most closely linked with technological advances in optoelectronic semiconductor technology.

Dr. Rüdiger Müller's CV
Source: OSRAM
Crucial innovations, such as thin-film technology, direct blue or green semiconductor laser diodes, the first OLED product or the first surface-mountable LED (SMT-LED), innovations that set standards to this very day, emerged under his leadership.

Press contact:

Marion Reichl
Headquarter, Europe
Tel: +49 (0) 941 - 850 - 16 93
Fax: +49 (0) 941 - 850 - 33 05
Email: marion.reichl@osram-os.com


OSRAM Corporate Video




OSRAM Opto Semiconductors Expanded Penang Manufacturing



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