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Belkin Invests in Juice Technologies 2010.06.01

Playa Vista, CA, USA - May 19, 2010 - Belkin International, Inc., today announced that it has made a significant equity investment in Juice Technologies, a leading provider of products to optimize home and business energy use as well as technologies that enable the intelligent charging of battery and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles. Together, Belkin and Juice will deliver intelligent residential and small-business energy management products to the market.

Belkin’s Conserve products will provide easy, cost-effective ways for people to be more engaged with their energy use.
Photo: Belkin
Playa Vista, CA, USA - May 19, 2010

Belkin International, Inc., today announced that it has made a significant equity investment in Juice Technologies, a leading provider of products to optimize home and business energy use as well as technologies that enable the intelligent charging of battery and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles.
Together, Belkin and Juice will deliver intelligent residential and small-business energy management products to the market.

Belkin's Conserve Energy-Saving Surge Protector conveniently minimizes standby power by enabling you to turn off the power to multiple devices with just one click of the remote switch.
Photo: Belkin
Capitalizing on their 30-plus years of involvement in large-scale commercial and industrial energy management systems, Juice Technologies, whose products are marketed under the Plug Smart brand has developed a comprehensive portfolio of experience in the utility industry, including three years of active participation in many standards bodies and organizations over the past three years with UCA, EPRI Infrastructure Working Council, and NIST.

Nearly 50 percent of IT energy consumption in your office occurs right at the workstation. The Belkin Conserve Surge with Timer is a cost-saving business solution that helps reduce energy wasted by office electronics. Its automatic timer makes saving money and energy simple while empowering employees to make an impact.
Photo: Belkin
Along with Belkin’s recently announced acquisition of Zensi, a leading developer of technology that senses and monitors energy consumption, this investment demonstrates a greater focus in energy management for Belkin.
Juice will bring their expertise to Belkin’s current Conserve energy management product portfolio, which enables energy conservation in both homes and offices.
Later this year, Belkin will introduce additions to its Conserve line, bringing more solutions for managing energy in the home.

Plug Smart helps consumers save money on energy by extending the Smart Grid into the home and electric vehicles.
Photo: Juice Technologies / Plug Smart
Belkin’s Conserve products
will provide easy, cost-effective ways for people to be more engaged with their energy use.
According to a November 2009 survey by Parks Associates, 81 percent of US online households show high interest in cutting energy costs.
When asked the main reason for learning about ways to reduce energy consumption, 58 percent of people questioned stated that they wanted to learn how to save money on their electric bill.

Mark Reynoso, CEO and President, Belkin
Photo: Belkin
"Our investment in Juice Technologies builds on our vision to help people make better, more informed decisions about their energy use. Their experience in the utility industry fills a critical need in our go-to-market strategy for our energy management solutions,” said Mark Reynoso, CEO and President, Belkin.

Rich Housh (left), president and CEO of Juice Technologies, discusses his company’s Plug Smart technology with B.J. Yurkovich, company partner and technical leader.
Photo: Juice Technologies
"Belkin brings remarkable market power to the emerging energy conservation space. We are thrilled to have Belkin as an investor and partner - its relentless attention to user experience and ability to make technology easy to use gives it important competitive advantages in energy management, and this fits perfectly with our core expertise in advanced technology solutions to electric utilities," said Rich Housh, CEO, Juice Technologies.

About Juice Technologies

Juice Technologies is a leading provider of products and technologies that enable the intelligent charging of battery and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles as well as products to optimize home and business energy use.

Juice Technologies’ products are marketed under the brand Plug Smart and are distributed worldwide through electric utilities and the consumer electronics channel.

About Belkin International, Inc.

Belkin offers an extensive range of innovations designed to give computer and consumer electronics users seamless integration in their homes, cars, and on the go.

, a privately held company founded in California in 1983, is the recognized global leader in connectivity solutions. Since our inception in 1983, Belkin has experienced an amazing 25 consecutive years of dramatic growth and remains committed to making significant strides in the areas of research and design.

Our diverse and far-reaching product mix includes award-winning innovations for easy-to-use networking solutions, accessories for mobile devices, such as iPod®, iPhone™, laptops, and netbooks, as well as energy conservation products.

You can view and purchase them at www.belkin.com, as well as through a network of major distributors, resellers, and superstores.

Belkin also provides business-class solutions that include KVM switches, LCD rack consoles, racks and enclosures, in addition to a broad USB and cable product mix.
Belkin has developed industry-leading innovations, prized by channel partners and end users alike for their dependability, customer service, and comprehensive warranties.

Belkin's U.S. presence includes corporate headquarters in Playa Vista, CA and a distribution center in Indianapolis, IN.
With major facilities in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands, our reach extends throughout Europe, Latin America, and Asia Pacific, with offices in Australia, New Zealand, Korea and, more recently, Hong Kong.

Contact Information

Melody Chalaban
Public Relations Manager
(310) 751-2950

Jacqueline Romulo
Public Relations Coordinator
(310) 751-2885


Take Control of Energy Consumption at the Workstation. Conserve energy with a single touch


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