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Governor Schwarzenegger Announces Chinese BYD Auto to Locate in Los Angeles 2010.05.03

LOS ANGELES - April 30, 2010 - Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger today joined Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and officials from Chinese manufacturer BYD Auto Company Limited (BYD) to announce that BYD, a leader in electric and hybrid vehicles and other renewable energy products, will locate its North American headquarters in Los Angeles. BYD is the first major Chinese mass-production automobile company to locate a headquarters in the U.S.

The Governor joined Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa to announce that a global renewable energy product company is establishing its North American headquarters in Los Angeles.
Photo credit: Office of the Governor, State of California.
April 30, 2010

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger today joined Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and officials from Chinese manufacturer BYD Auto Company Limited (BYD) to announce that BYD, a leader in electric and hybrid vehicles and other renewable energy products, will locate its North American headquarters in Los Angeles.

BYD is the first major Chinese mass-production automobile company to locate a headquarters in the U.S.

Its decision to choose California was based largely on the Golden State’s commitment to nation-leading green policies that create long-term demand for renewable energy automobiles and products.

The decision is expected to initially create up to 150 jobs in California.

The Governor joined Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa to announce that a global renewable energy product company is establishing its North American headquarters in Los Angeles.
Photo credit: Office of the Governor, State of California.
“California’s market-friendly energy and environmental policies are playing a vital role not only in making California more energy secure but also in bringing companies like BYD to our state,” said Governor Schwarzenegger.
“Like California, BYD is a company of firsts. They are leading China and the rest of the world into a cleaner, more sustainable future with their automobiles and renewable energy products while creating jobs and saving consumers money. I welcome BYD with open arms and look forward to growing California’s relationship with China to mutually benefit the environment and economy.”

Governor Schwarzenegger Announces Chinese BYD to Locate in Los Angeles.
Photo credit: Office of the Governor, State of California.
BYD’s Los Angeles headquarters
will be responsible for sales, marketing, and research and development for its automobiles and energy products, which include solar panels, LED lighting systems and home and grid level energy storage units through BYD’s unique iron-phosphate batteries.

Wang Chuanfu, President, BYD, Announces Chinese BYD to Locate in Los Angeles.
Photo credit: Office of the Governor, State of California.
Like California, BYD has been a leader in green:
selling the world’s first mass-produced plug-in hybrid vehicle, the BYD F3DM, in 2008 and introducing the first electric car independent of specialized charging stations in the world, the e6, in 2010 to the city of Shenzhen, China.

Governor Schwarzenegger has developed a strong relationship between California and China, focused on protecting the environment and growing the economy.

From collaborating on the Green Chemistry Initiative to monitoring and reducing air pollution and sharing energy-efficiency techniques, California is working closely with China to share environmentally-friendly and economy-building policies.

BYD’s decision to locate its North American headquarters and create jobs in California further strengthens this green relationship.

Wang Chuanfu, President, BYD, Announces Chinese BYD to Locate in Los Angeles.
Photo credit: Office of the Governor, State of California.
The Governor
has made creating a consistent, long-term and market-friendly energy policy in California a number one priority.
And that commitment is paying off, with new products and services making for more jobs and a more energy-secure, environmentally-healthy California.

But Governor Schwarzenegger is not standing still.
He has taken recent action to encourage more green companies such as BYD to invest, stay and expand in California including signing SB 71 on March 24, which created a sales tax exemption for the purchase of green-tech manufacturing equipment in California and AB 510 on February 26 to raise the net energy metering requirement from 2.5 percent to 5 percent, giving home and business owners continuing incentives to invest in solar power.

These recent actions augment the other significant and nation-leading policies that have been implemented by Governor Schwarzenegger.

Some of the most notable are:

Million Solar Roofs Initiative: The Governor’s $2.9 billion incentive plan for home and building owners who install solar electric systems, now known as the California Solar Initiative, will lead to one million solar roofs in California by the year 2018, provide 3,000 megawatts of clean energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 3 million tons.

Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 (AB 32): AB 32 established a first-in-the-world comprehensive program of regulatory and market mechanisms to achieve real, quantifiable, cost-effective reductions of greenhouse gas emissions. The law will reduce carbon emissions in California to 1990 levels by 2020.

Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS): In September 2009, Governor Schwarzenegger signed an Executive Order directing the California Air Resources Board to adopt regulations increasing California’s Renewable Portfolio Standard to 33 percent by 2020.

Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS): California’s LCFS requires fuel providers to reduce the carbon intensity of transportation fuels sold in the state, dramatically expanding the market for alternative fuels. To start, the LCFS will reduce carbon content in all passenger vehicle fuels sold in California by at least 10 percent by 2020 and more thereafter.

Automobile Emissions Standards: After years of fighting the federal government for the authority to implement our greenhouse gas emissions standards for cars, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency granted California’s waiver and the Obama Administration adopted it for the country.


Arnold Schwarzenegger
38th Governor of California

Arnold Schwarzenegger, 38th Governor of California.
Photo credit: Office of the Governor, State of California.
The world knows Arnold Schwarzenegger as a famous bodybuilder and a Hollywood action hero, but he is also a successful businessman, generous philanthropist and California's 38th Governor.

Governor Schwarzenegger's most notable accomplishments in his first six years in office include the nation-leading Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 - a bipartisan agreement to combat global warming by reducing California's greenhouse gas emissions - and overhauling the state's workers' compensation system - cutting costs by more than 35 percent.
In addition, Governor Schwarzenegger is the first governor in decades to make major investments in improving California's aging infrastructure through his Strategic Growth Plan, helping to reduce congestion and clean the air.

He established the Hydrogen Highway and Million Solar Roofs Plan, continuing his leadership in creating a greener environment. In November 2009, more than three years of leadership by Governor Schwarzenegger culminated with the passage of the Safe, Clean and Reliable Drinking Water Supply Act of 2010.

As Governor, he has been California's most effective marketing tool, traveling across the country and around the world promoting California-grown products, cutting-edge technologies and the state's diverse travel destinations.

In addition, using his background as an internationally recognized athlete, Governor Schwarzenegger has made restoring health and fitness a top priority.

He signed legislation making the state's school nutrition standards the most progressive in the nation and continues to promote healthy habits by taking harmful trans fats out of California restaurants and ensuring nutritional information is available to diners.
To improve classrooms across the state and ensure that all California’s students have access to the world-class education they need to grow, thrive and succeed, Governor Schwarzenegger has led the reform to make California competitive for up to $700 million in federal Race to the Top funds.

Additionally, since he took office, Governor Schwarzenegger has worked to reform California's fiscal policies, create a better business environment, reduce burdens on employment, boost exports and stimulate job growth.
Through the end of 2007, California's Gross State Product had grown by 29 percent since the governor took office in 2003.

This world-famous athlete and actor was born in Austria in 1947, and at 20 became the youngest person ever to win the Mr. Universe title.
He came to America shortly after, winning an unprecedented 12 more world bodybuilding titles.
Challenging both his body and mind, he earned a college degree from the University of Wisconsin and became a U.S. citizen in 1983.
Three years later he married broadcast journalist Maria Shriver.

Governor Schwarzenegger's most gratifying accomplishments are rooted in public service - committing his time, energy and personal finances to charitable organizations around the world.
He and Maria have remained closely involved in Special Olympics, an organization founded by Maria's mother, Eunice Kennedy Shriver.
He was named Special Olympics International Weight Training Coach in 1979 and serves as a Global Ambassador.

Recognizing his passion for helping kids, in 1990 former President George Bush appointed Governor Schwarzenegger Chair of the President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports, in which capacity he traveled all 50 states and recognized the overwhelming need for more after-school alternatives.
He also served as Chair of the California Governor's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports under Governor Pete Wilson.

Governor Schwarzenegger has committed himself to promoting physical education and after-school programs.
In 2002, his support for Proposition 49, the After-School Education & Safety Act, led it to overwhelming victory.
As Governor, he has aggressively worked to increase after-school funding, making California the first state in the nation to significantly invest in a comprehensive after-school program.

His many accomplishments have earned him the praise of numerous organizations, including the Simon Wiesenthal Center's "National Leadership Award" for his support of the organization's Holocaust studies.

Schwarzenegger was the only actor to be in both categories of the American Film Institute’s Hundred Years of Heroes and Villains.
In 2002, Schwarzenegger was given the esteemed honor of the Muhammad Ali Humanitarian Award, presented to him by Ali, a longtime friend and sports mentor.

Governor Schwarzenegger and his wife Maria Shriver have four children - Katherine, Christina, Patrick and Christopher.


ASTROMAN Magazine - 2009.08.23

Chińska firma BYD i Warren Buffett czyli Realizuj Swoje Marzenia


ASTROMAN magazine

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