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Richard Branson: Top 10 tips for making lists 2013.01.04

January 03, 2013 - I have always lived my life by making lists. These vary from lists of people to call, lists of ideas, lists of companies to set up, lists of people who can make things happen. I also have lists of topics to blog about, lists of tweets to send, and lists of upcoming plans. Each day I work through these lists, and it is by ticking off each task that my ideas take shape and plans move forward.

Richard Branson inside the Virgin office, the U.S.
Courtesy of Virgin, Richard's Blog

January 03, 2013

By Richard Branson,
Founder of Virgin Group

I have always lived my life by making lists.

These vary from lists of people to call, lists of ideas, lists of companies to set up, lists of people who can make things happen.

I also have lists of topics to blog about, lists of tweets to send, and lists of upcoming plans.

Each day I work through these lists, and it is by ticking off each task that my ideas take shape and plans move forward.

The framed Virgin snap at Virgin Money's award winning Edinburgh office.
Courtesy of Virgin, Richard's Blog
As the new year gets started, lots of you will be busy making resolutions.

If you want to stick to them, I suggest making them into lists.

Richard Branson: I have always lived my life by making lists.”
Courtesy of Virgin, Richard's Blog
Here are my top 10 tips for making lists

1. Write down every single idea you have, no matter how big or small

2. Always carry a notebook

3. Find a list method that works for you. Doodles, bullet-points, charts – what suits you best?

4. Make a list of small, manageable tasks to complete every day

5. Mark off every completed task – you’ll find making each tick very satisfying

6. Make your goals measurable so you know if your plans are working

7. Set far off, outlandish goals. What do you want to have achieved by 2020? How about 2050?

8. Include personal goals in your lists, not just business

9. Share your goals with others. You can help motivate each other further

10. Celebrate your successes – then make new lists of new goal. 

Richard Branson, Founder of Virgin Group

Source: Virgin, Richard's Blog


Richard Branson - Autobiography

Richard Branson
Courtesy of Virgin, Richard's Blog
I was born in 1950 and educated at Stowe School.
It was here that I set up Student magazine when I was 16.

In 1970 I founded Virgin as a mail order record retailer, and shortly afterwards I opened a record shop in Oxford Street, London.

In 1972 we built a recording studio in Oxfordshire where the first Virgin artist, Mike Oldfield, recorded 'Tubular Bells'.

In 1977 we signed the Sex Pistols and we went on to sign many household names from Culture Club to the Rolling Stones, helping to make Virgin Music one of the top six record companies in the world.

With around 200 companies in over 30 countries, the Virgin Group has now expanded into leisure, travel, tourism, mobile, broadband, TV, radio, music festivals, finance and health and through Virgin Green Fund we are investing in renewable energy and resource efficiency.

In February 2007, we announced the Virgin Earth Challenge - a $25 million prize to encourage a viable technology which will result in the net removal of anthropogenic, atmospheric greenhouse gases.

In July of the same year I had the honour of joining my good friend Peter Gabriel, Nelson Mandela, Graça Machel, and Desmond Tutu to announce the formation of The Elders, a group of leaders to contribute their wisdom, independent leadership and integrity to tackle some of the world's toughest problems.

I am also very proud of the work of Virgin Unite, our not-for-profit entrepreneurial foundation, which continues to focus on entrepreneurial approaches to social and environmental issues and enjoy supporting their work in every way I can.

Source: Virgin, Richard's Blog


Virgin Holidays, January 03, 2013.
Courtesy of Virgin, Richard's Blog

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ASTROMAN magazine

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