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Siemens publishes African Green City Index analyzing 15 major cities in 11 African countries 2011.12.03

Durban, South Africa - December 02, 2011 - Cities from the south and the north of Africa deliver the best environmental performance of all major African cities. This is the conclusion of the African Green City Index, a unique study commissioned by Siemens and conducted by the independent research organization Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU).

The African Green City Index is a unique research project conducted by the Economist Intelligence Unit, sponsored by Siemens.
It measures the environmental performance of 15 major African cities across eight environmental categories.
Africa is urbanizing faster than any continent in the world: by 2035 half of all Africans are expected to live in urban areas.
Already, informal settlements, electricity and water supply, waste management and sanitation are urgent challenges in many African cities.
Courtesy of Siemens press picture

Durban, South Africa - December 02, 2011

Cities from the south and the north of Africa deliver the best environmental performance of all major African cities. This is the conclusion of the African Green City Index, a unique study commissioned by Siemens and conducted by the independent research organization Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU).

Accra, Ghana
Accra is Ghana's capital city. With the smallest administrative area among the 15 Index cities and a population of 2.3 million, Accra has the second-highest population density.
Although Ghana is viewed as a development success story, some challenges remain for its capital: rapid urbanization has lead to soaring demand for housing and services, and the city suffers from an "urban divide" between the rich and the poor.
However, Accra is the best-performing city in the Index for environmental governance – with strong policies, stringent monitoring and high rates of public participation.
Courtesy of Siemens press picture
During the past months, the EIU analyzed the aims and achievements of 15 major cities in 11 African countries with respect to environmental performance and policies.

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Addis Ababa is the capital city of Ethiopia and headquarters of the African Union.
It has one of the smallest administrative areas in the Index and a population of 2.7 million, making it one of the most densely populated cities in the Index.
Addis Ababa generates the least amount of waste per capita of all 15 Index cities and also ranks among the participants with the lowest per-capita levels of CO2 emissions, water consumption and water leakages.
However, air quality, sanitation and public transport remain challenging areas.
Courtesy of Siemens press picture
Cape Town, Durban and Johannesburg from the south, Casablanca and Tunis from the north as well as Accra, Ghana, rank above average

Alexandria, Egypt
With a population of 4.4 million, Alexandria is Egypt's second most populous city.
Rural-urban migration has spurred substantial growth in the past 40 years.
The city is home to 40 percent of Egypt's industry, which includes iron and steel, petroleum, cement and petrochemicals.
Around 60 percent of Egypt's foreign trade is handled through Alexandria's port and the nearby El Dekheila port.
The city excels in the waste category, with some of the best waste-management policies among the 15 cities evaluated in the Index.
Courtesy of Siemens press picture
"The goal of the African Green City Index is to provide insights into the strengths and weaknesses of each city and start a dialogue about best practices in the area of green policies and infrastructures. With the Environmental Portfolio and the new Sector 'Infrastructure & Cities', Siemens is in the best position to support urban areas in Africa with green infrastructures," said Siegmar Proebstl, CEO Siemens Africa.

Cairo, Egypt
Cairo, the capital of Egypt, witnessed fundamental political changes with the resignation of President Mubarak in early 2011.
An estimated 7.1 million inhabitants live in the smaller Cairo Governorate, while Greater Cairo is home to just under 20 million people.
Cairo is the most densely populated city in the Index. It performs well in the Index for having a relatively high share of the population with access to electricity and potable water. Traffic remains a challenge, although Cairo offers one of the most extensive public transport networks in the Index.
Courtesy of Siemens press picture
The African Green City Index examines, for the first time, the environmental performance of African cities in eight categories: energy and CO2, land use, transport, waste, water, sanitation, air quality and environmental governance.

Cape Town, South Africa
Cape Town is the second-largest city in South Africa, with 3.7 million inhabitants in the metropolitan area.
A popular tourist destination, the city is also home to numerous IT and manufacturing companies.
Cape Town performed well in the Index, primarily due to its strict environmental policies in most categories. It is the top-scoring city in terms of land use, because of its abundant green spaces and the small proportion of the population that resides in informal settlements.
However, Cape Town has the highest CO2 emissions from electricity consumption and second-highest amount of waste per capita in the Index.
Courtesy of Siemens press picture
The overall result of the study shows that none of the 15 cities rank in the highest band 'well above average'.

Casablanca, Morocco
Situated at the Atlantic coast, Casablanca is Morocco's chief port and largest city, with 3.4 million inhabitants across the metropolitan area.
The city has a large industrial presence – it accounts for 60 percent of Morocco's trade and is home to 40 percent of the country's workforce. Casablanca ranks among the leading cities in the Index for access to electricity, potable water and sanitation, and a relatively low number of residents live in informal settlements.
The city relies heavily on a private concessionaire to provide a range of essential services, such as electricity, water and sanitation.
Courtesy of Siemens press picture
"Even the best performing cities in Africa have room to improve their environmental footprint," said Delia Meth-Cohn, Editorial Director for Continental Europe, Middle East and Africa at the EIU.

Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Dar es Salaam is the largest city in Tanzania and the country's trading hub. With a population of 3 million that is expected to double by 2020, Dar es Salaam is among the ten fastest-growing cities in the world.
It has experienced a construction boom in recent years, putting a strain on the city's resources and infrastructure.
More than two-thirds of the population lives in informal settlements.
The city also faces enormous challenges in the areas of waste and sanitation, with few policies in place and demand far outstripping supply.
Courtesy of Siemens press picture
Six cities, mainly from the north and the south, scored 'above average', five cities are in the 'average' band, two cities are 'below average' and two cities rank in the lowest band, 'well below average'.

Durban, South Africa
Located at the Indian Ocean, Durban is South Africa's third-largest city, with an estimated 3.5 million residents.
It is home to the largest port on Africa's east coast as well as to numerous industrial and manufacturing companies. Durban has the most extensive public transport network in the Index and boasts a great deal of green space.
The city was also well-ranked for the provision of utilities and public services as well as for its environmental policies.
The 2010 World Cup served as a catalyst for a range of environmental initiatives in Durban, which will also host the COP 17 United Nations Climate Change Conference in 2011.
Courtesy of Siemens press picture
Whereas South African cities scored high on governance and implementing policies, cities from northern Africa are strong in connecting residents to basic infrastructures like water and electricity

Johannesburg, South Africa
Johannesburg is the economic center of South Africa and the hub of the country's manufacturing and mining industries.
A magnet for migrants, it is South Africa's most populous city, with around 3.9 million residents.
Overall, water, waste and sanitation standards are generally better than in many of the other cities in the Index.
However, there are wide disparities in income and striking inequalities in living conditions between the rich and the poor.
The city has introduced several policies and plans geared specifically to improving its environmental performance.
Courtesy of Siemens press picture
In contrast, all sub-Saharan cities, except South African cities and Accra, struggle in the Index
Their immediate focus on providing basic services tends to prevent a focus on long-term sustainability.

Lagos, Nigeria
Located on the southwest coast of Nigeria, Lagos is home to an estimated 10.6 million people – a figure which is expected to jump 33 percent by 2020.
The city has attracted many multinational companies and boasts a higher standard of living than anywhere else in the country.
However, rapid urbanization and population growth are presenting challenges to its water, waste management and sanitation infrastructure and putting pressure on the energy supply and traffic management.
City officials have responded by establishing a dedicated environmental authority and investing in a mass transit plan.
Courtesy of Siemens press picture
However, experts agree that sustainable development policies at city level are far from being a 'nice-to-have option', but must go hand-in-hand with solutions to the continent's social and economic problems.

Africa is urbanizing faster than any other continent in the world

The study also reveals that there is a strong correlation between a city's environmental performance and the percentage of residents living in informal settlements.

The fewer residents in a city living informally, the better the city performs.
This is crucial for Africa which is urbanizing faster than any other continent and, as a result, is suffering from unplanned urban sprawl.

Luanda, Angola
Luanda is the capital of Angola and the country's major seaport.
After the country gained independence from Portugal, people flocked to Luanda. The city's population has now swelled to 5.8 million, putting a strain on the city's few resources.
Electricity and potable water are scarce, and the majority of the city's population lives in informal settlements.
These challenges and the absence of a city government are hampering improvements in the areas of waste, land use, sanitation and transport that would enhance living conditions while reducing environmental impact.
Courtesy of Siemens press picture
The number of Africa's urban residents more than doubled in the last two decades and they now account for 40 percent of the continent's population.

Africa has the world's highest proportion of city dwellers in informal settlements.

Maputo, Mozambique
Maputo, the capital of Mozambique and its largest city, is home to 1.2 million people.
Although an estimated 70 percent of Maputo's residents live in informal settlements that often lack safe drinking water and sanitation, in recent years the local government has made substantial efforts to upgrade infrastructure and services across the city.
Many promising initiatives are under way, including a ten-year World Bank-funded project which aims to improve the city's capacity to deliver services, and a master plan for urban development in Maputo.
Courtesy of Siemens press picture
Among the 15 Index cities, the average percentage of the population living in informal settlements is nearly 40 percent, ranging from an estimated 15 percent in Casablanca to an estimated 70 percent in Maputo.

Good governance is key

The African Green City Index suggests that good governance is key to environmental performance.

The institutional ability to run a city efficiently and intelligently matters more than wealth or the level of economic development.

Nairobi, Kenya
Nairobi, Kenya's capital and home to 3.1 million people, is a major hub for finance, media, technology and air travel.
As in other large African cities, development remains haphazard and the management of waste, sewage and water are urgent challenges.
Nairobi's population is expected to more than double by 2020, so the government is under increased pressure to make the capital more livable and environmentally friendly.
While the city has undertaken substantial efforts to protect green spaces, its policies to improve public transport, energy and air quality have been relatively weak.
Courtesy of Siemens press picture
This is contrary to the findings in other Green City Indexes Siemens has published so far which frequently demonstrated a link between wealth and better environmental performance.

This suggests that in Africa, a continent where many cities may wait decades for the kind of wealth levels common in other regions of the world, governance is a powerful tool for better environmental performance.

Pretoria, South Africa
As South Africa's administrative capital, Pretoria houses the government ministries, foreign embassies and various academic and research centers.
With a relatively small population of 2.3 million, Pretoria is the least densely populated city in the Index.
It has close ties to Johannesburg, both geographically and economically. Pretoria's transport network is more than twice as extensive as the Index average, and the city has a strong environmental track record. However, high power consumption and large amounts of waste generated per capita remain challenges.
Courtesy of Siemens press picture
A good example is Accra, the capital of Ghana, the only sub-Saharan city (excluding South African cities) that placed above-average in the African Green City Index.

It has strong scores for environmental management, with structures in place to work with the national government in implementing policies.

Siemens is the ideal partner for sustainable city development

With its Environmental Portfolio, Siemens is the ideal partner for sustainable city development, which is based on energy and resource efficiency.

The company has the largest and most comprehensive range of green technologies for the environmentally friendly development of infrastructure – from efficient and clean energy generation, transmission and use to public transport and water treatment systems.

Tunis, Tunisia
Tunis is the capital of Tunisia and, with 1 million residents, the smallest city in the Index.
The city is relatively well managed and prosperous, and it benefits from the tourist industry.
Tunis has one of the best public transport systems in the Index
and produces less waste than most other cities in the study.
Since the overturning of the national government in early 2011, environmental governance has been in a state of flux.
Water supply and wastewater discharge represent challenges for Tunis, but the city is tackling these issues, and water infrastructure improvements have been a top priority in recent years.
Courtesy of Siemens press picture
In fiscal 2011 alone, the company generated revenue of around €30 billion with its Environmental Portfolio.

Siemens has received various orders to support the sustainable development of Africa's urban infrastructure.

For example, in Johannesburg and the greater Gauteng region of South Africa the Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa awarded Siemens a contract for the construction of a new Gauteng nerve center for centralized rail traffic management.

Courtesy of Siemens press picture
The new rail signaling and train protection system will increase the operational capacity, provide a higher level of flexibility and safety, and reduce train delays.

To support the expansion of Siemens' Environmental Portfolio in Africa, the company will create 500 new green jobs on the continent in the coming years.

The scope of the Green City Index is unique in the world.
Africa is the fifth region that has been analyzed for Siemens by the EIU.

Courtesy of Siemens press picture
The series began in 2009 with the European Green City Index
, which identified Copenhagen (Denmark) as the greenest metropolis.

In 2010 this was followed by the Latin American Green City Index, where Curitiba (Brazil) came out on top.

In 2011, Siemens published the Asian Green City Index with Singapore placing first, as well as the Green City Index for the U.S. and Canada, led by San Francisco.

Further information and the detailed results of the study can be found here:  

About Siemens AG

Siemens AG (Berlin and Munich) is a global powerhouse in electronics and electrical engineering, operating in the fields of industry, energy and healthcare as well as providing infrastructure solutions, primarily for cities and metropolitan areas.

For over 160 years, Siemens has stood for technological excellence, innovation, quality, reliability and internationality.

The company is the world's largest provider of environmental technologies.
Around 40 percent of its total revenue stems from green products and solutions.

In fiscal 2011, which ended on September 30, 2011, revenue from continuing operations totaled €73.5 billion and income from continuing operations €7.0 billion.

At the end of September 2011, Siemens had around 360,000 employees worldwide on the basis of continuing operations.

Further information is available on the Internet at:  


Mr. Wolfram Trost
Siemens AG

Wittelsbacherplatz 2
80333 Munich
Tel: +49 (89) 636-34794  

Source: Siemens AG  

Siegmar Pröbstl

CEO Siemens Africa

Siegmar Pröbstl

Courtesy of Siemens press picture
Siegmar Pröbstl (51) is an Economics graduate from German descent and is proud to be a permanent South African resident.

He joined Osram, a Siemens lighting company, in 1985 and became the first Managing Director of that company in Turkey, in 1989.
That was followed by a five year secondment from 1994 as Managing Director of Osram South Africa, during which time he improved the company’s market position from fifth to first in the lighting industry.

Sigi then transferred to Korea and later to the United Kingdom.

In 2003 he became Senior Vice President, Osram Display Optic.

Sigi returned in 2005 as Director of Group Strategy for Siemens Southern Africa and was appointed Chief Executive for the regional company on November 1, 2006.

In 2009 Sigi returned to Germany to manage Global Sustainability for Siemens AG,
this involved co-coordinating all sustainability initiatives in the Clusters, Sectors and

Sigi then returned to South Africa and was appointed Chief Executive Officer of Africa Cluster on the 1st of May 2011.

On the 19th of May 2011, he was also appointed Chief Executive Officer of Siemens South Africa.

Source: Siemens AG  

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