Armonk, N.Y., USA - September 28, 2011 - IBM (NYSE: IBM) today announced that it has reached an agreement with the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization of Japan to develop for the group the "KEK Central Computer System," a server and storage solution that will be used to further advance man's understanding of the universe. The KEK Central Computer System will consist of more than 370 highly scalable IBM iDataPlex systems that are capable of high-speed processing while consuming little power and taking up little space.
The KEK Central Computer System will consist of more than 370 highly scalable IBM iDataPlex® systems that are capable of high-speed processing while consuming little power and taking up little space.
Expanding beyond a storage area network (SAN), a single GPFS file system can be accessed by nodes using a TCP/IP or InfiniBand connection. Using this block-based network data access, GPFS can outperform network-based sharing technologies like NFS - and even local file systems such as EXT3 journaling file system for Linux® or Journaled File System.
Courtesy of IBM |
Armonk, N.Y., USA - September 28, 2011
IBM (NYSE: IBM) today announced that it has reached an
agreement with the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization of Japan to develop for the group the "KEK Central Computer System," a server and storage solution that will be used to further advance man's understanding of the universe.
IBM Power 750
The enhanced IBM Power 750, the same system that powers Watson, has been enhanced with several options, including a faster POWER7 processor, to handle the most challenging analytics workloads.
Courtesy of IBM |
The KEK Central Computer System will consist of more than 370 highly scalable IBM iDataPlex® systems that are capable of high-speed processing while consuming little power and taking up little space.
IBM Power 750
The enhanced IBM Power 750, the same system that powers Watson, has been enhanced with several options, including a faster POWER7 processor, to handle the most challenging analytics workloads.
Courtesy of IBM |
Researchers will use the system to analyze data generated from experiments in elementary particle and atomic nuclear research, as well as data from synchrotron radiation, neutron and muon research.
IBM BladeCenter PS704
The new 32-core, double-wide IBM BladeCenter PS704 blade server gives clients an alternative to sprawling racks by supporting massive server consolidation with energy-efficient economics.
Courtesy of IBM |
The system will also be used for theoretical calculations to develop new accelerators.
It is expected to start operation in
February 2012.
Courtesy of IBM |
Up to now, data gathered through experiments at the organization's high intensity proton accelerator facility, "
J-PARC," and also at its collider accelerator, "
KEKB," were analyzed using separate systems installed at the respective facilities.
With the
new KEK Central Computer System, all the data analytics systems will be integrated.
Courtesy of IBM |
The KEK Central Computer System will consist of more than 370 highly scalable IBM iDataPlex® systems that are capable of
high-speed processing while consuming little power and taking up little space.
Courtesy of IBM |
The organization currently manages several petabytes of experiment data, but it estimates that the amount will likely balloon to
more than 10 petabytes in the near future.
Courtesy of IBM |
As a solution to this problem,
IBM will develop a tiered storage environment that consists of the IBM General Parallel File System (GPFS™), which provides high-speed processing, and the High Performance Storage System (HPSS), a highly scalable and hierarchical storage management system that provides data migration capabilities to tape.
Courtesy of IBM |
The GPFS disk system will provide up to 7 petabytes of data capacity, while the HPSS system will provide up to 16 petabytes of effective data capacity to accommodate future data increases.
Courtesy of IBM |
As part of the organization's energy-saving measures, the
KEK Central Computer System is expected to contribute to a "visualization of energy."
IBM will build a framework that combines its IBM Systems Director® system management software and the
IBM Active Energy Manager™ to enable the organization to
set energy consumption limits via threshold values and monitor that consumption.
Courtesy of IBM |
In addition to the
scientific work, the new IBM system and storage solution will ultimately be used by domestic and international collaborative research institutions to share resources and data.
IBM, the IBM logo, and
GPFS are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation, registered in many jurisdictions worldwide.
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For a current list of IBM trademarks, please see
Contacts information
Jim Smith
IBM Media Relations
Office: 914-766-4385
Cell: 203-232-7000
Kanako Matsumoto
IBM Media Relations
Source: IBM
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