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Leszek Balcerowicz from Poland Named Recipient of 2014 Milton Friedman Prize for Advancing Liberty 2014.04.18

New York City, USA - April 17, 2014 - The Cato Institute is pleased to announce that Leszek Balcerowicz, former Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister of Poland, will receive the 2014 Milton Friedman Prize for Advancing Liberty, a USD 250,000 biennial award presented to an individual for achievement in promoting freedom and individual liberty. "Leszek Balcerowicz's contributions to the advancement of liberty and free markets in Eastern Europe cannot be overstated," said Cato CEO John A. Allison. "Poland now serves as a model that other countries may follow in transitioning from socialism to a humane economy based on individual responsibility and the rule of law." The prize will be presented during a dinner at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York on May 21, 2014. Garry Kasparov, former world chess champion, Russian pro-democracy leader, and global human-rights activist, will deliver the Keynote Address.

Professor Leszek Balcerowicz
Courtesy of Cato Institute

New York City, USA – April 17, 2014

The Cato Institute is pleased to announce that Leszek Balcerowicz, former Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister of Poland, will receive the 2014 Milton Friedman Prize for Advancing Liberty, a $250,000 biennial award presented to an individual for achievement in promoting freedom and individual liberty.

“Leszek Balcerowicz’s contributions to the advancement of liberty and free markets in Eastern Europe cannot be overstated,”
said Cato CEO John A. Allison.
“Poland now serves as a model that other countries may follow in transitioning from socialism to a humane economy based on individual responsibility and the rule of law.”

Milton Friedman Prize for Advancing Liberty’s Biennial Dinner in New York City at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, 2012.
Courtesy of Cato Institute
The prize will be presented during a dinner at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York on May 21, 2014.

Garry Kasparov, former world chess champion, Russian pro-democracy leader, and global human-rights activist, will deliver the Keynote Address.

Courtesy of Cato Institute

The 2014 Milton Friedman Prize for Advancing Liberty

Leszek Balcerowicz - 2014 Award Recipient

Leszek Balcerowicz, former Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister of Poland, will receive the 2014 Milton Friedman Prize for Advancing Liberty, a $250,000 biennial award presented to an individual for achievement in promoting freedom and individual liberty.

Balcerowicz has been widely credited with the economic transformation of Poland.

He liberalized the prices of most consumer goods and initiated sound fiscal and monetary measures designed to balance the budget and end hyperinflation.

Professor Leszek Balcerowicz
Courtesy of Cato Institute
As an economic crisis manager, Leszek Balcerowicz has few peers,” the Wall Street Journal declared in a weekend interview with the Polish economist in December 2012.
“When communism fell in Europe, he pioneered ‘shock therapy’ to slay hyperinflation and build a free market. In the late 1990s, he jammed a debt ceiling into his country’s constitution, handcuffing future free spenders. When he was central-bank governor from 2001 to 2007, his hard-money policies avoided a credit boom and likely bust.”

Leszek Balcerowicz and Lech Walesa
Courtesy of Cato Institute
Living under a communist-controlled regime in Poland, Balcerowicz was a member of the Polish United Workers’ Party from 1969 until the declaration of martial law in Poland in 1981.

During that time, he received his doctorate from the Warsaw School of Economics.

The rest, it seems, is history.
In the late 1970s, Balcerowicz participated in an economic advisory team associated with the prime minister of the People’s Republic of Poland.

From 1978 to 1980, he worked at the Institute of Marxism-Leninism, later becoming an economics expert in the independent trade union Solidarity, for which he was forced to leave the Communist Party.

From September 1989 to August 1991, Balcerowicz served as deputy prime minister and finance minister in Tadeusz Mazowiecki’s administration, which was Eastern Europe’s first noncommunist government since the end of World War II.

He held those positions again from October 1997 to June 2000.

He was chief architect of the Balcerowicz Plan, a radical reform program that helped transform the Polish economy in the 1990s.

He liberalized the prices of most consumer goods and initiated sound fiscal and monetary measures designed to balance the budget and end hyperinflation.

From 2001 to 2007, he served as chairman of the National Bank of Poland.

Leszek Balcerowicz press conference
Courtesy of Cato Institute
On November 11, 2005, the president of Poland, Aleksander Kwasniewski, awarded Balcerowicz with the country’s highest decoration, the Order of the White Eagle, for his contribution to Poland’s economic transformation.

Poland was the only country in the European Union to avoid the 2009 recession and has been the fastest growing EU economy since.

Balcerowicz has written several books and numerous journal publications, and is the author most recently of Discovering Freedom, an extensive collection of foundational essays from leading classical liberal thinkers that includes everyone from Adam Smith and Alexis de Tocqueville to F. A. Hayek and Milton Friedman.

The book has become a bestseller in Poland.

Professor Leszek Balcerowicz
Courtesy of FOR
The Milton Friedman Prize for Advancing Liberty, named in honor of perhaps the greatest champion of liberty in the 20th century, is presented every other year to an individual who has made a significant contribution to advance human freedom.

The prize, a cash award of $250,000, will be presented at the Milton Friedman Prize for Advancing Liberty’s Biennial Dinner on May 21, 2014, in New York City at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel.

The late Nobel laureate Milton Friedman agreed in 2001 to lend his name to the prize, which has become the leading international award for acknowledging contributions to the promotion of individual liberty.

In a statement at the time he said:
“Those of us who were fortunate enough to live and be raised in a reasonably free society tend to underestimate the importance of freedom. We tend to take it for granted. It has made us in the West more complacent, so having a prize emphasizing liberty is extremely important.”

Dr. Friedman died in 2006.

Garry Kasparov - Keynote Speaker at the 2014 Dinner

Garry Kasparov, former world chess champion, Russian pro-democracy leader, and global human-rights activist will deliver the Keynote Address at the 2014 Friedman Prize Dinner.

Kasparov first gained international fame as the youngest world chess champion in history in 1985 at the age of 22.

Garry Kasparov, former world chess champion.
Courtesy of Cato Institute
After retiring from professional chess in 2005, he rapidly became a vital part of the Russian pro-democracy movement against the repressive regime of Vladimir Putin.

He formed the United Civil Front, of which he is still the chairman, and co-led The Other Russia coalition that focused on uniting the Russian opposition to Putin under the banner of free and fair elections.

His advocacy of liberty and democracy has become a global pursuit, as he travels and writes extensively.

May 21, 2014 • New York City • Waldorf-Astoria Hotel

For further information about the Milton Friedman Prize for Advancing Liberty’s Biennial Dinner, please contact Jenna Huhn
at jhuhn@cato.org  
or 202-218-4617.

Prof. Leszek Balcerowicz laureatem nagrody Miltona Friedmana

Dzisiaj (17 kwietnia 2014 roku) Cato Institute ogłosił, że prof. Leszek Balcerowicz, były wicepremier i minister finansów RP, założyciel i przewodniczący Rady Forum Obywatelskiego Rozwoju, otrzyma nagrodę Miltona Friedmana za Promowanie Wolności (2014 Milton Friedman Prize for Advancing Liberty).

Nagroda przyznawana jest co dwa lata.

W komunikacie Cato Institute przypomina, że prof. Leszek Balcerowicz jest powszechnie znany dzięki roli jaką odegrał w transformacji gospodarczej w Polsce.

Prof. dr hab. Leszek Balcerowicz
Foto dzięki uprzejmości FOR
"Wkład Leszka Balcerowicza w rozwój wolnego rynku w Europie Wschodniej jest nie do przecenienia,"
- powiedział John Allison, dyrektor generalny Cato Institute.
"Polska stała się wzorem dla innych krajów, jak przechodzić od socjalizmu do gospodarki opartej na indywidualnej odpowiedzialności i praworządności."

Prof. dr hab. Leszek Balcerowicz
Foto dzięki uprzejmości FOR
Leszek Balcerowicz jest autorem książek i wielu publikacji naukowych.

Ostatnia książka pod jego redakcją „Odkrywając wolność”, stała się w Polsce bestsellerem. Znaleźć w niej można m.in. esej Miltona Friedmana.

Ustanowiona w 2002 roku, a przyznawana co dwa lata, nagroda Miltona Friedmana za Promowanie Wolności, to jedno z najważniejszych międzynarodowych wyróżnień przyznawanych za istotny wkład w działania na rzecz wolności.

Nagroda zostanie wręczona 21 maja 2014 roku podczas uroczystej gali w Hotelu Waldorf-Astoria w Nowym Jorku.

Przemówienie podczas gali wygłosi Garri Kasparow, były mistrz świata w szachach, jeden z liderów rosyjskiej opozycji, działacz na rzecz praw człowieka.

Prof. dr hab. Leszek Balcerowicz
Foto dzięki uprzejmości FOR
W poprzednich latach nagrodzeni zostali:

• chiński ekonomista Mao Yushi

• irański pisarz i dziennikarz Akbar Ganji

• przywódca wenezuelskiego ruchu na rzecz demokracji Yon Goicoechei

• były premier Estonii Mart Laar

• peruwiański ekonomista Hernando de Soto

• brytyjski ekonomista Peter Bauer.

Inne nagrody prof. Leszka Balcerowicza – część 1.
W skład międzynarodowej komisji przyznającej nagrodę wchodzą:

John A. Allison, prezes i dyrektor generalny Cato Institute

David Friedman, profesor prawa, Uniwersytet Santa Clara

Giancarlo Ibarguen, członek rady nadzorczej, Uniwersytet Francisco Marroquina, Gwatemala

Václav Klaus, Cato Institute, były prezydent Republiki Czeskiej

Mao Yushi, chiński ekonomista; laureat Nagrody Miltona Friedmana w 2012 roku

Leo Melamed, prezes honorowy CME Group, prezes Melamed & Associate

Mary Anastasia O'Grady, The Wall Street Journal

Parth Shah, założyciel i przewodniczący Centre for Civil Society, Indie

Vernon L. Smith, laureat Nagrody Nobla, profesor ekonomii i prawa, Uniwersytet Chapmana.

Inne nagrody prof. Leszka Balcerowicza – część 2.

Cato Institute

Cato Institute to amerykański think tank założony w 1977 roku.

W swoich badaniach skupia się na zagadnieniach dotyczących polityki gospodarczej, wolności jednostki, ograniczonego państwa, wolnego rynku i pokoju.

Jest organizacją pozarządową niezwiązania z żadną partią polityczną.

Milton Friedman

Milton Friedman (1912-2006) – syn żydowskich imigrantów, obok Keynesa najsłynniejszy i jeden z najbardziej wpływowych ekonomistów minionego wieku.

Powszechnie uważany jest za ojca monetaryzmu oraz czołowego reprezentanta tzw. szkoły chicagowskiej.

Laureat Nagrody Nobla (1976) w dziedzinie ekonomii.

Ze względu na wkład w teorię ekonomii oraz działalność publiczną jego nazwisko zostało utożsamione z walką o wolności osobiste i ograniczenie roli rządu w społeczeństwie.

Jego publikacje były inspiracją przy wolnościowych przemianach w wielu krajach świata, w tym Polski.

Od 2002 roku co dwa lata przyznawana jest Nagroda Miltona Friedmana za Promowanie Wolności (The Milton Friedman Prize for Advancing Liberty).

Do końca uważał, że wolność nie jest darem danym raz na zawsze, lecz ciągle trzeba o nią zabiegać.


Cato Institute


FOR - Forum Obywatelskiego Rozwoju


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Publikacja tekstów pochodzących z wydawnictw prasowych bądź elektronicznych prezentowanych w ASTROMAN Magazine nie ma charakteru komercyjnego, służy wyłącznie celom edukacyjnym, dydaktycznym i naukowym - zgodnie z Ustawą o prawie autorskim i prawach pokrewnych z dnia 04.02.1994 r. (Dz. U. z dn. 23.02.1994 r. nr 24, poz. 83).

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